Thursday, June 05, 2008

An historic achievement

As everyone knows by now, Senator Barack Obama has become the presumptive Democrat nominee for President of the United States. It is, indeed, an achievement of historic proportions. Rather than give any more of my opinions (which are many) about the Presidential election thus far, I would like to call your attention to these postings by my brothers in Christ, Thabiti Anyabwile (here and here), Anthony Carter (here) and Lance Lewis (here). Please read, and consider carefully and objectively, what they’ve written.

And, while I’m at it, let me mention to those of you living in the Chicago area that you will be able to hear Thabiti Anyabwile and Anthony Carter in person later this month at New Life Fellowship Church’s Annual Bible Conference which will be held June 19-21. You can read more information here. There will be some excellent teaching going on…and it’s free! If you can make it, I encourage you to attend.

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