From Towards Spiritual Maturity: Overcoming all evil in the Christian life (revised edition), by William Still (1911-1997), published by Christian Focus Publications, Ltd., pp. 77-78.“When we use God’s Word in accordance with his will, we have all the consent and power of the Almighty behind us. We therefore take the word of Jesus which commands us to bind the strong man…in order to spoil his goods (the souls of men held in his thrall). We shall find that when we exert ourselves to do this with an energy and devotion at least as keen as we apply to selfish pursuits, lo, people begin to respond to God’s Word, perhaps to our great surprise. It is not to be wondered at. The truth is that men’s hearts and lives are in fact in bondage to Satan (1 John 5:19), and when his power is broken, they are free to hear and heed God’s Word.
“This is a great secret; and yet many of us go on in Christian work year by year, dealing with men as if they were normally free agents willing and able to do what we say, or what they themselves will. They are not (Rom. 7:14-20), until God frees them in answer to prevailing prayer.”
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