…and then, I’ll once again be a part of “the unemployed”.
I’m trying to stay positive. At this moment, I’m not succeeding.
I’m thinking about the sovereignty of God over all, even the minute details of our lives. I know God—my Father—is good. He does what is right, and He is trustworthy.
I know that God is with me and will never forsake me. Whatever my family or I will experience, wherever this journey will take us, I have my Father’s word that He will be there.
Yet, I cannot help but humbly ask, “Why?”
I think this is why believers must keep an eternal perspective on life. The fact is, we’re not in heaven yet. In heaven, there will be “no mourning nor crying nor pain anymore” (Revelation 21:4). But, we’re not there yet. Right now, we will experience pain and disappointment and sadness. That’s why I have no use for prosperity preachers and their doctrine. The message of “prosperity” that is most often proclaimed over television and radio (and in far too many churches in the Black community, I must add) is a cruel doctrine. It is not biblical; it bears no relation to real life.
The Bible, on the other hand, is true to life. The Bible says, “In the world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33). It says that “through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). I’ve lived long enough to be able to say (like you sometimes hear in the Black Church), “I know that’s right.”
Real life, in a sinful, fallen world, where there is pain and suffering, sickness and death, disappointment and sadness…and unemployment…makes heaven appear more precious to the believing soul and helps rid the heart of that soul-shriveling love for the world.
I feel a little better.