Sunday, November 05, 2006

Rev. Moon and the Black Church

I grew up and spent 35 years of my life (9 years as a preacher and minister) in the traditional Black Church. Even though I no longer worship within that cultural and theological context, in many ways, my heart is still there. But, there is an ache in my heart because large portions of the Black Church are in a spiritual crisis.
When I think about the Black Church, I feel like Paul in Romans 10:1-2,
"Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge."
Well, when I came home from church today, what should I find on the front page of the Chicago Tribune but this article about "Rev. Moon and the black clergy". The Unification Church is making inroads in the Black community, and it has been going on for a while. I first heard of it about 8 years ago. A prominent pastor in our denomination, here in the Chicago area, was involved with Moon's organization. At the time, other prominent Black pastors across the US were also getting involved. I can only imagine the problem has grown since then.
At any rate, you need to read this article; you need to know what kind of inroads Satan is making into the Black community and the Black Church.
While reading Psalm 119 today, I came across this verse (it is very fitting):
"My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law" (Psalm 119:136).


Anonymous said...

I am so outraged by this article. The real danger here is summed up by one of Rev. Barrett's members who stated that "if it's alright with (him), it's alright with me". By their mere affiliation with Moon they are leading many followers down the path of false doctrine. Where is the accountability in the black church?

Wyeth Duncan said...

I'm glad someone is outraged. This is the problem: in many Black churches there is no accountability. The people in the pew have not been taught any better (and sometimes the people in the pulpit haven't been taught any better, either). That's no excuse, however, because the Bible is there for all to read. Yet, this article points to an alarming problem in a segment of the professing church. I only wish the wider evangelical church would pay attention.